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Unexpected Situations 1

Situation 1


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Pilot: London Center, Speedbird 174, we had an engine failure on engine number two, requesting vectors to the nearest airport.

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ATCSpeedbird 174, roger. You will be vectored to Bristol International Airport. Descend to Flight Level One Zero Zero and turn left heading Zero Three Zero.

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Examiner: Now, tell me in your own words everything that the pilot and the controller said.

Possible Answer: The pilot told the controller that he had an engine failure on engine two and requested vectors to the nearest airport. The controller told him to descend to Flight Level One Zero Zero zero and to turn left heading Zero Three Zero, being vectored to Bristol International Airport.


1) What can cause an engine failure during flight?

Possible Answer: An engine failure during flight can be caused by a plenty of factors such as mechanical problems, fuel leakage, bird ingestion or even ingestion of volcanic ashes.

Situation 2


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Pilot: Congonhas tower, Gol 1282, at holding point of runway One Seven Right, we have a flat tire. Request returning to gate.

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ATCGol 1282 roger. Taxi via runway then taxiway Hotel.

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Examiner: Now, tell me in your own words everything that the pilot and the controller said.

Possible Answer: The pilot said he had a flat tire and requested the controller to return to the gate. The controller authorized him to taxi via runway and taxiway Hotel.


2) What problems does a flat tire can cause to an airplane during the landing?

Possible Answer: A flat tire can catch on fire, damage the landing gear, cause the airplane to veer off the runway.

Situation 3


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Pilot: Amsterdam Approach, KLM 792 is going around due to windshear on final approach for runway One Eight Charlie.

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ATCKLM 792, roger. Maintain runway heading and climb to One Thousand Five Hundred feet as indicated in the procedure.

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Examiner: Now, tell me in your own words everything that the pilot and the controller said.

Possible Answer: The pilot told the controller that he was going around because of the presence of windshear on final approach for runway One Eight Charlie. The controller told him to maintain the runway heading and climb to One Thousand Five Hundred feet.


3) Why is windshear so dangerous for the airplanes during the landing?

Possible Answer: Windshear is extremely dangerous for the airplanes during the landings because it causes a sudden loss of altitude, variations in airspeed and loss of controls.

Now, considering the three situations you have heard in part three:


4) How would you compare them? You may want to compare them in terms of severity, possible solutions and ways of prevention. Which one do you think is the most difficult to deal with? Why?

Possible Answer: In my opinion, the most difficult situation to deal with is the engine failure one. It requires the pilots to act quickly and precisely to conduct the flight to the nearest airport in the most efficient way. The second most difficult situation is the windshear one because it is a threat to the airplanes while they are close to the ground. The easiest situation to deal with is the flat tire one, because the airplane is already on the ground. The pilots can taxi back to the gate safely and proceed with the flight after fixing the problem.


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